- April 21, 2015
What 5am looks like at my place.
By Rachel on April 21, 2015Read moreIt’s 5am. Really it’s 6am, and I know this because the oven clock has pre-daylight savings time. I can’t bring myself to change it, because daylight savings is hell enough as it is and if I can remember that it technically USED to be 6am, it’s that much bit more bearable. Charlie, however, has no idea about daylight savings....
2 - April 1, 2015
VIDEO: Why co-sleeping is no sleeping
By Rachel on April 1, 2015Read moreWhen I first saw this Charlie was 4 months old and I thought it was hilarious but would never happen to us because he was an angel who always slept in his cot. Fast forward to now, and this is currently MY LIFE. Oh dear.
- March 18, 2015
My laughing bear.
By Rachel on March 18, 2015Read moreThere is really no better sound in the entire world than a baby laughing. Forget crawling, sitting up, eating solids… the milestone I was hanging out for was Charlie’s laughter. Months ago, I remember mentioning to my dad that while the bear smiled a lot, I couldn’t make him laugh. ‘I’ve tried everything!’ I complained. (Mainly tickling, to be fair.) My dad...
- March 2, 2015
Little miracles.
By Rachel on March 2, 2015Read moreI had some mixed reactions to last week’s epic whinge (mainly along the lines of ‘Go to bed earlier, you dummy’) and so I decided I would attempt an earlier bedtime. I tried. Really I did, but in a house of night owls where we think about dinner at 8pm and I do most of my writing at night, it’s near impossible. Plus,...
- February 21, 2015
An epic, headache-fuelled whinge ahead.
By Rachel on February 21, 2015Read moreSo Mr Chick goes back to work on Monday. For months he’s been tag-teaming it with me and as of Monday it’s going to be all me, all day. Probably without the mini-morning sleep in I’ve come to rely on like a crack fix, but if he has to be in an office somewhere by 9am I can’t see that happening...